Rabu, 02 Juli 2014

Grass clippings around tomatoes to fertilize

Ingredients for growing strong and abundant tomatoes include ample sunlight, proper watering and sufficient fertilizer. Adding nutrients to the soil through fertilizing is typically done with manufactured elemental mixtures of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. But your tomato garden also benefits from grass clippings as an organic form of fertilizer, if it is properly applied during the growing season.

The savvy gardener uses natural resources whenever possible. Grass clippings are free, easy to use and abundantly available throughout the growing season. Apply the clippings to tomato plants, as well as other garden vegetables, for a slow-release form of nitrogen. Grass clippings break down within a few weeks, so replenish them throughout the summer.

Use as side dressing
Grass clippings contain 4 percent nitrogen, which is an essential chlorophyll-producing element for all plant life. If you use clippings as tomato fertilizer, it is imperative you apply the grass as a side dressing after the first fruits have at least one month of growth. Adding nitrogen-rich grass before fruit development inhibits fruiting rather than helping it. Because you do not want to disturb the active roots, you only need to mix the clippings into the first 1 inch of topsoil -- the grass easily breaks down at that depth if you spread it evenly.

Aside from nourishing the tomato plant with nutrients, the clippings add important sustenance for soil microorganisms. Beneficial bacteria, in particular, use the decomposing clippings as food and keep the soil structure healthy for other organisms, like earthworms. Active organisms in the soil keep the texture loose for the tomato plant to spread its roots wide in search of air and moisture pockets.
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Double duty
Although grass decomposes rapidly in the soil for optimum plant nutrient spread, you may also use the clippings as both a mulch and fertilizer. Initially, you spread the clippings around the tomato plant's base as a mulch to conserve moisture and prevent weeds. Because it does not break down quickly as a mulch, the nitrogen does not negatively affect the plant's growth. After the tomato plant produces its initial fruit, the clippings have had time to decompose into the soil, effectively turning into a fertilizer. It is important to note that you should not use any clippings as a mulch or fertilizer that have been exposed to pesticides or herbicides because these chemicals leach into your tomato plant's soil and may harm its health.

Excess clippings
Adding extra clippings to your soil as fertilizer causes more harm than good. If you apply more than a 1-inch layer to the soil, the thick grass may produce an unpleasant odor, even if it is tilled evenly into the ground. Additionally, excess nitrogen in the soil may stunt flower and fruit growth, especially if you constantly add more clippings to the soil.

More information

Grass clippings contain as much as 3 to 4 percent nitrogen, .5 percent phosphorus and 2.5 to 3.5 percent potassium. Mulching tomatoes with grass clippings may reduce your need for fertilizer, depending on your soil type, but plan on amending the soil with additional fertilizer at planting time and mid-summer as well. Nitrogen fertilizer applied early in the season encourages lush growth and reduces tomato production, so wait to apply grass clippings until after the plants have begun blooming.

When applying grass clippings to your garden, spread the clippings lightly, adding no more than 2 inches weekly. Adding a small amount of clippings allows them to dry out thoroughly and begin decomposing. If you add a heavy layer, the grass clippings will not decompose, but become soggy and smelly.

Additional benefits
Grass clippings not only add nutrients to the soil, but they also reduce weed growth. Grass clippings around tomato plants eventually decompose, working their way back into the soil, where they improve soil texture and drainage, similar to compost or manure.

Leave grass clippings on the lawn in early summer, where they'll break down and provide nutrients to the grass. Begin mulching tomato plants in mid-to-late June, depending on your climate. Leave 2 to 3 inches between the tomato plants and the grass clippings so water and oxygen can reach the tomatoes. Don't use grass clippings that have been treated that season with herbicides or pesticides. Recently treated grass clippings can cause herbicide damage when spread in the vegetable garden.

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