Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Harvest Monday - tomato porn

Harvest Monday is brought to you today by gratuitous shots of tomatoes and the spring awakening of the corn. The week itself began with a corn, a baby corn just busting out of its little husk. I just wanted to see how it looked, how it grew, so I ripped it off way too early.

When I removed its clothing here is what I found ...

One tasty little broken baby corn. Mmmmmm so good. Then the week descended into an orgy of produce, from greens to zukes to basil to tomatoes to carrots and more, all vying for a position on my salad plate.

Then, ok, you waited for it, here is the tomato porn. The first big harvest, complete with garlic in a martini glass.

They went on top of a yummy lasagne I cooked tonight (using my BBQ no less because my oven is still on the fritz) And what started the week with a sizzle took it out with a bang. Another corn

Another undressing

But this time the star was fully grown, fully formed, and extra tasty.

I didn't even need to cook it, just dived on in and at the whole thing raw.

What will next week's harvest bring? If you want to see more harvest head on over to Daphne'sDandelions for the full show.

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